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E-Bike Battery Care And Maintenance

Views: 140     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-09-20      Origin: Site


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The heart of the e-bike is a battery. These things are great devices, storing a lot of energy in a small space. If looked after properly, these things can last a long long time, but you need to take care of them on and off your bike. In this article we're gonna be looking at all those tips and avoiding that expensive replacement.

Learn how to properly care and maintain your e-bike battery with our comprehensive guide. From charging and storage tips to troubleshooting common issues, we've got you covered.

E-bike battery charging

So, first things, there can be a lot of time that passes from when this battery's activated or made in the factory to the time it reaches the manufacturers, and even more time by the time it reaches you, so first things is get that battery on charge as soon as you receive it.

So, lots of different manufacturers mount their battery lots of different ways. However it's mounted in your frame, just make sure that connection and the way it holds in there is secure. If that battery falls out, hits the ground and cracks, it's game over and you've got to replace that expensive battery.

Lithium batteries are generally best kept fully charged, even after a short little ride. If you do regularly flatten that battery it's really gonna struggle to hold a full charge and keep them topped up.

A good little tip as well is don't leave that charger plugged in for hours and hours, or days and days away in your workshop or wherever you keep your bike. Soon as that battery is topped up remove that charger. If there happens to be a charger malfunction, this battery could actually overheat. Really nice way of doing that is by actually putting a timer, one of the ones you plug into the wall, just put four or five hours on there and that should be enough to charge any battery. As soon as that, obviously, overruns and times out you're gonna have no power going to that.

So, if you're using that battery in the winter or below freezing, it's really advisable to bring that battery inside and actually charge it up at room temperature. Some batteries won't actually even charge if below freezing. Just check that you're not trying to charge it while it's too cold. Also, out on these rides you might find that a battery sleeve or a thermal cover will actually increase and hold that battery's core temperature. It should in theory give you a bit more range too.

For the best overall health and life span of that battery it's not a good idea to go sticking that battery on charge as soon as you get back from your ride. It's advisable just to let that battery have a rest period it's letting that battery and the chemistry go from a state of discharge to a state of charge. Just give it around half an hour to get back in the run of things, then stick it back on charge.

ebike battery

E-bike battery cleaning

There's little danger from a wet battery. Actually, the battery is one of the most waterproof parts on your e-bike. It's actually got an IP-67 rating. That means it can be fully submerged, apparently without any damage. Something that I wouldn't go testing out down at your local lake, but they are fairly water-proof. Just keep an eye on it's contact points. If they do become corroded or any rust and things get in there, just give them a quick wipe round. Keep it nice and dry, get rid of that oxidization or rust anything like that cause that can cause problems when it comes to connecting that connector to the frame as well. Just keep an eye on that. Best bet is just to wipe them down with a nice damp cloth not getting them to wet.

E-bike battery transporting

So let's talk about transporting that battery safely when it comes to your e-bike. A lot of manufacturers recommend to remove that battery before traveling. It's more if you get involved in an accident or your battery isn't secured properly and it goes bouncing off and hitting someone out on the road and what I like to do is basically wrap this battery in a towel, stick it underneath my passenger seat that way I know it's not gonna get rattling around in the back of the van, fall off, or smash into some seats when I brake. Also, remember not to stick that thing up on the passenger shelf or on the back seat, if this battery hits you in the back of the head when you brake heavy, you're certainly gonna know about it.

E-bike battery damage and repair

You might notice a few little screws, nuts, and bolts holding these batteries together, but whatever you do, don't even think about trying to open these up. Extremely dangerous, highly flammable. Lithium powder's one of the most flammable things known to man, so if you do suspect a battery problem, take it back to your dealer and get it sorted in the proper way. So, let's talk about damaged batteries on your e-bike. If you've crashed or hit that battery hard some of the cells inside can become damaged and that cell can pass on to the next cell and all the way up that battery could end up being affected and then heating up to extreme temperatures, so if you're suspicious about that battery in any way, get it back to your dealer ASAP. 

electric bike battery

E-bike battery storage

A lithium battery is always best stored in the nice, cool conditions. Batteries are quite like us, they don't like extreme temperatures. Things between minus 10 and above 60 degrees Celsius should be avoided. Just try and keep that battery somewhere nice and cool. Nothing too extreme.

If you know you're not gonna be using that battery or e-bike for a long time it's really worth thinking about how you're storing that battery. A good way of storing it is keep about 80% charge in that battery, it varies from different manufacturers, but about 60 to 80% is really good charge to keep that battery at. Ideally if you can keep it somewhere nice and cool like we talked about earlier and keep topping it up every few weeks as well. Just strain a little trickle in there as well is gonna help keep that capacity levels in that battery topped up.

Okay, conclude the main points from are keeping that battery between 60 to 80% topped up if you're not gonna be using that battery for a long time. If you are, just keep topping it up all the time as well. Don't put it in extreme temperature conditions. Basically, if you take care of that battery, it's gonna look after you too.

By following the tips outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your e-bike battery stays in top condition for years to come. Remember to always prioritize safety and read your manufacturer's instructions for specific care recommendations. With proper maintenance, you can enjoy longer rides and get the most out of your e-bike investment. If there are any questions you can leave us a message at Green Pedel!

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