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How to choose the right battery for your electric bike

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The battery can be said to be the most important part of an electric bicycle. However, most electric bicycle users will ask a popular question. How to choose the right battery for electric bicycles? How do you know which one is the best among all available battery types? What type of battery do I buy for my electric bike?


In this article, we will detail the battery

Basic e-bike battery terminology

Before choosing the best battery for your electric bike, you must be able to understand the terms used to describe electric bike batteries. We will define some terms. This will help you learn more about your battery.


The following is a list of the most commonly used terms when discussing electric bicycles:

Ampere (Ampere)

Ampere per hour (Ah)

Voltage (V)

Watt (W)

Watt per hour (Wh)

Ampere (Ampere)

This is the unit of current. It is the International Standard Unit. You can compare the ampere to the size or diameter of a pipe through which water passes. This means that more amperes means larger pipes, and more water flows in every second.

Ampere per hour (Ah)

This is a charge unit, which has a relationship between current and time. It is an indicator of battery capacity. A battery of approximately 15Ah can be discharged continuously for 1.5A for ten (10) hours or 15A for one hour.

Voltage (V)

This is usually called Volt. It is the electrostatic potential difference between two (2) conductors (a live conductor and a neutral conductor). The best electric bicycle battery voltage reading is 400 volts.


Watt (W)

This is a standard power unit. The higher the wattage, the higher the output power of the electric bicycle. In addition, one (1) watt is equal to one (1) voltage times one (1) ampere.

Watt per hour (Wh)

This is the unit of power at a given time. It measures the total power output over a given period of time. It does not regulate power output in an instant like Watt. Think of it as speed and distance. For example, if your car's speed is measured in watts, then the distance from one place to another is watt-hours. Therefore, if the battery of your electric bike is discharged at 100W for two (2) hours, it has run out of 200Wh.


The nominal voltage is sometimes suitable for electric bicycle voltage measurement. This is because each battery in the battery can withstand a certain range of voltage.


Now that you have understood the basic terminology, we will explain the different types of electric bicycle batteries. From the very beginning, the battery has always been the deciding factor in how you can enjoy the fun and value of an electric bike. The following is a list of the most common electric bicycle batteries on the market.

Battery Type

Now the market is mainly based on lithium ion and lead-acid batteries

Lead-acid batteries

These types of batteries are known for being very cheap. Most importantly, they provide less power output and are very heavy. Compared with other battery types of the same weight and size, their capacity is smaller. Lead-acid batteries have three main uses.


They can be used as a backup power source for stationary applications. They also help deep cycle applications such as golf carts, scissor lifts, etc. Finally, they can be used as starters for motor systems in automobiles. They can also be used for electric bicycles. However, their weight and power output mean that we would not recommend their use.


Among all available electric bicycle battery types, lead-acid batteries are the heaviest. They are three times heavier than lithium batteries and twice as heavier than nickel batteries. In addition, the battery capacity of lead-acid batteries is lower than that of nickel batteries and lithium batteries. The maximum capacity of lead-acid batteries is half that of lithium batteries and nickel batteries.

Lithium Ion Battery

Lithium-ion batteries are automatically becoming the default battery for every electric bicycle on the market today. Approximately 90% of the power of electric bicycles on the market. Compared with other types of batteries, lithium-ion batteries produce more power output due to their weight. Most importantly, they are more durable and last longer.


In addition, lithium-ion batteries are divided into three main types. There are some differences between these types. However, there is one thing in common; they all last longer.


On the other hand, they are small and require functional electronic components to prevent them from catching fire or self-destructing. However, none of these should be your concerns. Manufacturers always have fail-safe measures to prevent accidents. However, knowing how to handle and maintain them properly is still vital to you.


Although lithium-ion batteries are expensive, we recommend that you buy lithium-ion batteries for electric bicycles. They are the ideal battery type for every electric bicycle in terms of mileage, weight, and service life.

Things to note before choosing a lithium-ion battery

When choosing a lithium battery for your electric bike, you need to consider the voltage and ampere rating. This is important because it determines the range, durability, and power input of the battery.


When choosing the right battery for an electric bicycle, volt and ampere ratings are the two main topics. You should be aware that choosing the wrong voltage/ampere rating may damage your electric bike or cause a fire.

Each electric bicycle has a unique input voltage range. This means that you can only power the electric bike with the exact voltage required to power it. You should not use batteries with a voltage higher or lower than the recommended range to power your electric bicycle. This is necessary to avoid complications.


Using a battery with a lower voltage means that you will not have enough power to significantly run the bike's motor system. However, the use of higher voltages can damage the sensitive electrical components of the motor system. Most electric bicycles accept a nominal voltage-36 volts or 48 volts. Usually, electric bicycles are equipped with 18650 batteries.


The lithium cobalt battery can withstand up to 4.3v when fully charged, and about 3.1v after discharge.


Choosing the best type of battery for your bike is crucial. Only in this way, you can enjoy the fun of using the bicycle without any problems. We can answer any questions you have about electric bicycle batteries. Contact us today.

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